Relevant to:
Event Managers & Assistants
Account Owners

You will need the integrations add-on added to your account. Please contact [email protected] for more details.

Once the add-on is added to your plan, you can access your API token and the external API docs from Account Settings > Third-party integration. 

Remo's external API lets you seamlessly integrate Remo with your own tools and workflows, putting even more control in your hands. 

Within the API, we support the following:

1) List attendees/speakers of a given event: Get a full list of everyone attending or speaking at your event 

2) Add attendees: Easily add attendees to your events from your own systems 

3) Create/Update/Delete events: Manage your events effortlessly, directly from your tools 

4) Get event details: Fetch comprehensive details of any given event 

With these capabilities, integrating Remo into your existing workflows has never been easier. Automate processes, streamline event management, and supercharge your event planning!
Ready to dive in? Contact [email protected]

Required parameters:

1) Company ID (contact [email protected])

2) Event ID (This is the ID mentioned in your event URL as highlighted here:

Below is an example of the event ID. 

(In order to procure the event ID, click on Edit details on event page as shown below and copy the alphanumeric value present at the end of the URL)

Only Account Owners can access the Plan & Billing page