Relevant to:
GuestsSpeakersEvent Managers & AssistantsAccount Owners

One of the key highlights of Remo is its ability for guests and hosts to move between tables as they please.

But, what do you do when all your guests are sitting at only one table throughout your event?!?!

Well, now you can use the 'Shuffle Guests' feature! And here's how you can do that:

1. To activate Shuffle Guests, click 'More' on your bottom menu toolbar and then click 'Shuffle Guests'

2. Enter your ideal number of guests you would like to have per table for this shuffle.

Please note, Remo will try to get as close to this number depending on your plan's table capacity, the floor plan used, and number of guests

3. Click 'Start Shuffling' to activate the shuffle

4. You and your guests will get a notification and a 30-second countdown for when you will be shuffled.

During the 30-second countdown, as the Event Host, you will also get a chance to stop the shuffle by clicking 'Cancel Shuffle'

5. After 30 seconds, everyone in the room will be automatically moved to a new table, so you get the chance to network and meet with more people!

If you want to control who gets shuffled where within your event, check out our article on assigned shuffling in Remo

6. And here's what it looks like for a guest!

Now you know how it works, you may have some questions about this as well, so here are the frequently asked questions for Shuffle Guests:

  • How does the Shuffle place people at tables?

'Shuffle Guests' is used to randomly place people at a different table to the one they were on prior to the Shuffle. It will try to create groups of 3-4 people per table and avoid making groups of 2 or leaving people alone at a table. That being said though, this does depend on a few factors including the table configuration on your floor plan, the number of seats per table on your floor plan, and the total number of guests at your event.

If you want to control the shuffle experience more, try out our assigned shuffle feature!

  • Will guests be able to see and use the 'Shuffle Guests' feature?

No! This 'Shuffle Guests' button is only available for Event Hosts.

  • Is there a minimum number of people needed for the feature to work?

Yes there is - there needs to be a minimum of 6 people in the event space for the feature to work.

  • Is the 'Shuffle Guests' feature for a specific floor?

No, when you (as the Event Host) use the 'Shuffle Guests' feature, it will shuffle everyone in your event space. But, everyone will remain on the same floor they were on at the start of the Shuffle.

  • Can guests end up alone using the Shuffle?

Please note the Shuffle feature aims to avoid leaving people by themselves, but there are rare cases where this can happen. In which case, as the event host, be sure to keep an eye out for all your tables after the Shuffle, and if you do see a guest by themselves, invite them to join you at another table.