Relevant to:
Event Managers & Assistants
Account Owners

This feature is currently being rolled out to events. So, don't worry if you don't see it just yet, it's on it's way!

{{insert drumroll sound effect...}} 

We're excited to introduce our newest feature – Audio Reactions in Presentation Mode. This feature is designed to enhance the immersive feeling your audience gets when watching and interacting with presentations on Remo.

{{insert cheer sound effect...}}


Our new Audio Reactions feature allows event hosts to play specific audio tracks for everyone in the event to hear. Hosts can choose from a selection of 4 audio reactions: Clap, Cheer, Laugh, and Drumroll.

This feature was designed to help enhance the immersive feeling users get when at an event on Remo - instead of just clicking the Clap Reaction, they can now hear a live round of applause as well.

Please note, this feature is currently only available in Presentation Mode

Due to browser limitations, sound effects may not be heard or played by those users currently on Safari.


This feature is only available for Event Hosts (Account Owners, Event Managers and Event Assistants) to initiate.

We strongly recommend hosts using this feature to be on a Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge browser.

1. Click on the 'More' button located at the bottom of the screen and then click 'Play Sound Effects'.

2. Select the Audio Reaction/Sound Effect you would like to play.  

3. The sound effect will then play for everyone in the event! Each of the sound effects are approx. 5 seconds long.

When a sound effect is currently being played, you are not able to start another audio reaction or close Presentation Mode.

That's it!

{{insert applause sound effect...}}


  • Can speakers or guests start an audio reaction or sound effect as well?

No, only event hosts (account owners, event managers, and event assistants) are able to start an audio reaction or sound effect for the event. Guest, guests on stage and speakers are not able to start these.

  • Can I upload my own sound effect/audio reaction?

At the moment, we do not support custom sound effects out of the box. But, please get in touch with our Success Team to discuss some options!

  • Can sound effects/audio reactions be heard by all users?

Currently, due to some browser and device limitations, sound effects cannot be heard by users on a Safari browser or some mobile device.

  • Can I play multiple sound effects/audio reactions at once?

You can play how many ever sound effects/audio reactions during your event. However, only one sound effect/audio reaction can be played at once. 

While a sound effect/audio reaction is being played, you will not be able to start a new one, or close presentation mode.