Relevant to:
GuestsSpeakersEvent Managers & AssistantsAccount Owners

Remo supports multiple ways to log in to your account including logging in with your existing Microsoft account.

Alternative log in methods include:
- Google Login
- Linkedin Login
- Email (passwordless login)
- Email + Password (for guests or speakers joining an event only)
- Anonymous (for guests joining an event only)

This article covers some of the issues you may encounter when trying to log in with Microsoft:

  • If you get an error message saying "Oops, there was an issue with that login method. Please try again using one of the options listed below instead."

This message appears if you've previously logged into Remo using the same email address but a different log in method. In this case, you won't be able to use the Microsoft login method.

Just use the same email address and one of the login methods listed on the screen now to try again.

  • If you see a message saying "Need admin approval"

This means your Microsoft account's admin has not granted permission for you (and others on the account) to use the Remo Microsoft login. Without the admin's approval, unfortunately you will not be able to log in using Microsoft.

If this is the case, you have 2 options:

- Ask your admin to approve Remo (if you are the admin, there is a button that allows you to log in as the admin to your Microsoft account so you can grant approval for yourself)

- Try using another login method available

  • If you don't see a pop-up appear at all

If you are not seeing any pop-up appear after clicking Log in with Microsoft, your browser may have blocked pop-ups.

If this is the case, you'll usually see a icon in your browser's address bar that lets you know a pop-up has been blocked for the site. You can click this icon to allow pop-ups, or alternatively adjust your browser's settings. For more information, check out the instructions given below:

- For Chrome

- For Microsoft Edge

- For Safari