On Remo, you can now set a status for yourself to let others in the event know if you're available, away, or focused! ✨

Available Statuses in Remo

By default, Remo provides the following 3 status groups:

  • Available (Green) - this is the default status
  • Away (Orange)
  • Focusing (Red)

You can also add custom messages to any of the above groups for some added personalization - check out how here

How to Set Your Status

1. Click on your profile in the top right hand corner.

2. Click on 'Change' next to your current status

By default, everyone's status will be set to Active

3. Choose the status you would like to update to: Active, Away or Focusing

You can also add a custom message to be displayed as your status. For more information, check out the section below on personalizing your status.

4. Click on "Set" and it's done! Your updated status is now visible to others at the event.

Your status is set on a per-event basis. This means if you attend another event using the same profile/email, the status you've just set will not carry over to this second event.

How to Add a Custom Status Message

To personalize your statuses or let people know exactly what you're up to, you can add a custom message. Your message will replace the default "Active", "Away", or "Focusing" messages.

1. Open the status box (click your profile in the top right > click "Change" next to your current status)

2. Pick a status group: Active, Away, or Focusing

3. In the "Add Custom Message" box, you can type in your custom status message!

You can also add emojis here for some fun or visual illustration

Custom status messages can be max. 30 characters long

4. Click "Set" and you're all done!

Where Does My Status Show

Your status will show up in a couple of places inside the event space:

  • Color dot on your profile in the top right corner as shown in the image below. 
  • Color dot will show up on your floorplans avatar (IF your status is set to Away or Focusing only)
  • Color dot and your status message will show up on your user profile card
  • Stauts message will appear in the tooltip shown when hovering over your avatar
  • Color dot and your status message will show up in the participants list
  • Color dot and your status message will show up on any private chats started with you

Statuses do not exist outside an event space. So, you will not be able to set or view your status if you are not currently inside an event on Remo.